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Digital Marketing Strategy for a Home Decor Brand

by Vaishali Bana
digital marketing for home decor brands

When more than half of the world is on some or the other digital platforms, digital marketing becomes quite an essential thing for any brand to stand out in the race. Although marketing depends on various factors, one thing that is common in online and offline marketing is that the more visible your product is to the audience the more sales it drives. So, when it comes to online marketing of a home decor brand, it is not just your online presence but the reach that matters. Therefore, the content should be planned in a way that your audience can interact in a positive manner. 

In the world of home decor where every day some or the other brand is coming your digital marketing strategy should be a foolproof plan to help you get the desired results. Here I will be sharing the tried and tested methods that you can use to grow organically. In the blog, I will be giving examples of a home decor brand called Plarsh Comfort they sell jaipuri bedsheets to make things more understandable. It is one of the various brands with which we are currently working. 

Best Digital Marketing Strategies for a Home Decor Brand

Website optimization

The website is your online store, so it not only needs to be appealing but should also be optimized well so that your customers do not have to struggle to find the product they are looking for. For this, you can use SEO with the relevant keywords. 

Once you get a hold of the keywords you are ranking for, it becomes easier to optimize the website. Google will automatically direct people towards your website for the products you are offering. Well, website optimisation involves various other steps, for this, you can read our blog.

Keep Posting Quality Blogs

Many brands think that blogs have lost their potential but this isn’t true. They still hold a lot of potential in driving people to your website. For this, you need to select the keywords with high search volume and try to educate people with quality content related to the home decor niche. People nowadays search a lot online before buying things. So, listicles can also work wonderfully on relevant topics. You can also choose the evergreen topics and never out of search, and some which are trendy. This way a balance should be maintained to keep the audience engaged and entertained. 

Wisely Utilize the Rich Pins on Pinterest

Pinterest is great for home decor lovers. If you are planning to promote your home decor online, you should use Pinterest. And when you do, be sure to use Rich Pins.

Regular Pins on Pinterest contain an image and some text. But rich pins offer more. They can show the price, your business name, a short description, and a button that takes people to your website. This makes it easier for people to buy your decor item easily.

Leverage Social Media Potential for Your Growth

When it comes to social media, platforms like Instagram, Pinterest, and Facebook can work wonders for your home decor brand. Well for that you can use the below-mentioned tips and tricks to make your followers engaged and entertained. 

Plan out the strategy well

Jumping directly into Instagram without strategically planning the content would lead to all your efforts in vain. A planned strategy should be made by first having a look at your competitors, working on the areas where they are lacking, and simultaneously looking for the things that are working for them. 

Nowadays many brands also follow the grid method. You can also use this way and make your profile look appealing and luxurious. But this demands a lot of planning and you have to stick to your plan otherwise your grid will break and create chaos on your Instagram profile. 

Keep a balance between informative posts and entertaining posts

Ideally, a strategy should have a balance of informative posts, generic posts, and entertaining posts. This way your audience will have the updated information along with the fun and entertaining posts that will keep them engaging. You can also use some of the BTS videos as people really like to see what’s going behind. Also having a highlights section with different tags like- new launches, sales, and customer reviews also makes the profile interesting. 

Use influencers to market your decor product

To market your products reaching out to influencers for paid or barter collabs would work for your home decor brand. This is a good way to reach out to more people in an effective way. 

Use the latest trends for better reach

Following trends and trending audio and relevant hashtags will help you reach your target audience. This way people will visit your Instagram profile and see what products you offer. This is a good way to grow organically. 

Be responsive to your audience

It is advisable to be responsive to the comments and the DMs you receive about the product information. This way you build trust and a connection with your customers. 

Run Ads on relevant platforms

Facebook ads can be a smart investment for home decor businesses. Among the different types of ads, collection ads stand out as one of the best options.

Collection ads have one large photo at the top and four smaller photos at the bottom. When someone clicks on the ad, he can see the entire collection in detail and can easily visit the website. These ads are great because they save customers time by taking them straight to the website or product page. Plus, customers get a good look at the variety of products available in the collection. Facebook optimizes these ads by selecting the most effective products from your catalog, improving the overall performance of your ads.

Note: When you run Ads, it is advisable to do A/B testing. It lets you try out different versions of a landing page to see which one works best. It’s a good way to learn what appeals to your target customers and what doesn’t.

Email Marketing

Adding a pop-up box on your homepage that asks your visitors or audience for their email in exchange for a discount can be a good idea and help in several ways. 

First, it’s a good way to grow your email newsletter list. People visit your website because they’re interested in what you offer. Getting their email helps keep them interested, reminds them about your business, and builds a stronger connection to encourage repeat visits.


Hopefully, the above-mentioned information will help you with digital marketing and grow organically.

If you are a growing brand or an established brand these tips will help you out. But if you want someone to do it all for your home decor brand then consider Waffle Bytes. We are among the leading digital marketing agencies offering tailor-made strategies that help in organic growth over different social media channels. 

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