Home Digital Marketing Digital Marketing: How to Do it Differently and Make it Work? 

Digital Marketing: How to Do it Differently and Make it Work? 

by Tarun Pal
digital marketing

Digital marketing is quite a popular topic nowadays. It is elaborated upon by hosts of online sources, with many of them giving their own thoughts on the subject.

Nowadays, digital marketing is adopted by almost every other online brand. Merely telling someone to do digital marketing is a bit of an obsolete act since everyone is already doing it.

In this post, we are not just going to be looking at what digital marketing is and how it works, etc. Rather, we’re going to be looking at how you can do it differently.

What is Digital Marketing?

But first, to fulfill the formality, we should clear up what digital marketing is, to begin with.

Digital marketing basically refers to the marketing efforts and endeavors that are carried out via digital channels. In the most generic sense, this type of marketing would include activities like telemarketing and radio advertisements since both of these devices, i.e., telephones and radios, are digital.

But nowadays, the definition is a bit narrow. The word “digital marketing” is nowadays used to refer to marketing activities that are done via the Internet. Some common types of digital marketing, in adherence to this definition, include content marketing, affiliate marketing, email marketing, and so on.

How to do Digital Marketing Differently?

Creating Interactive Blogs

Writing and publishing blogs are something that every other marketer does. But, to make them different, you can add some interactive elements to them.

This would, of course, involve some skill and expertise as far as writing the content and programming the web page goes. But the outcome would be worth it.

So, what do we mean when we say “interactive blogs”? We mean doing stuff like:

  1. Adding GIFs, images, and videos to the content
  2. Adding clickable and openable/collapsible menus around the blog web page
  3. Setting up HTML elements to allow the user to navigate the blog page as they want. For example, you could add buttons around the blogs that could open a particular section of the text and hide the others. Or, they could open a particular block of text to explain a certain concept/idea.

Another good idea for making interactive blogs is to set up the fonts to change when the user reaches a particular point down the scroll. The same type of effect could also be set up for things like the background color and the text color, etc.

Here is a small example of how an interactive webpage can look like. You can apply similar effects and elements to your blog. While we’re giving the example of a webpage, you can bring the same types of effects to your blog instead.

There is a website called Cyclemon. As you scroll down the website, you get to see different designs scrolling past in an aesthetic transition. And at the end, there is a CTA.

It looks really smooth.

Here, have a look:

Cyclemon gif

Using AMP Emails

Granted, AMP emails aren’t that “hidden,” but they still aren’t very liberally used. You can try focusing on creating some highly interactive, unique, and engaging AMP-powered emails to make your marketing efforts one of a kind.

There are different things that you can do in an AMP email. You can add forms, purchase buttons, quizzes, questionnaires, and the like.

There are many benefits to using AMP emails.

  1. For one, you can get a much greater response rate from your recipients. Why? Because AMP emails center around making the email bodies themselves interactive so that the users don’t have to leave their inboxes. Since they don’t have to leave their inboxes, they can take whatever steps you ask them to take without thinking twice about it.
  2. AMP emails can look very thoughtful. From a customer’s/lead’s point of view, it can look very appealing to have an email curated and designed for your ease and comfort. This can also lead to an increase in the response rate.

There are, of course, some things that you have to take care of when preparing the emails to get the right results. These tips apply to email marketing in general, and they can be equally helpful in AMP emails as well.

Email Creation Guidelines

Before creating your emails, you should take some time to research your recipients and find out what sort of data/news/content they would like to see.

Then, once you start creating the email itself, you should make sure that the content quality itself is on point. Content, in the context of emails, refers to two types.

One is the written content, i.e., the text that is present inside the email body. The text you write should be impeccable. It should be written in a readable way, and should be concise and to the point. Besides this, it should also be free of all types of grammar/spelling errors. There are different tools that you can take help from here. You can, for example:

Other than the written stuff, the other type of content that typically exists in emails includes the visuals and graphics…the “frills,” so to say.  There are a few things to keep in mind when creating and using visuals in your emails.

  • Use a readability checker to spot readability issues in the text
  • Use a text summarizer to quickly concise the text
  • Use a grammar checker to find and remove grammar/spelling errors in the content
  • Use a paraphrasing tool to rephrase the text for better clarity (if needed)
  • You should take care not to nick visuals from an existing source and use them as your own
  • You should use visuals that reflect the color theme and overall style of your brand to make them synchronized.

Aim for the Not-So-Popular Keywords

Of course, when we talk about digital marketing, we can’t leave out SEO. Nowadays, it’s one of the major branches of digital marketing, and for good reason. According to an online source, 68% of online experiences start with a search engine.

It makes sense to make a presence on SEs.

But a lot of brands and businesses make the mistake of aiming for high-volume keywords that they don’t have any chance of ranking on. This can leave their SEO efforts to get exhausted while they can flounder somewhere around the 3rd or 4th page of the SERPs.

If you want to do SEO differently and you want to make it work as well, it’s better to stick to low-volume keywords until your website gains enough authority to rank for the high-volume ones.

How exactly do you find the low-volume and high-volume keywords for your website? You use SEO analytics tools.


Nowadays, considering the utter saturation of brands and businesses on the Internet, taking a different approach to digital marketing can be a good way to make it work. In the post above, we’ve outlined some ways in which you can tackle digital marketing a little unconventionally. Hopefully you learned something new here and will be back for more.

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