Home Digital Marketing Facebook Advertising | Complete Guide for Beginners

Facebook Advertising | Complete Guide for Beginners

by Waffle Bytes
facebook advertising visual

Advertising through Google Ads and advertising through Facebook are both very different from each other. Whereas in Google Ads, you can get leads quickly with little effort input. But Facebook’s advertising strategy needs to be more patient and mindful to get positive results.

Here, we will guide you on how to advertise on Facebook.

What is Facebook Advertising?

Facebook advertising is a process of achieving business goals such as sales, leads, branding and product promotion via Facebook. Currently, Facebook has 2.9 billion monthly active users and It’s a highly recommended platform for advertising by worldwide marketers.

How do Facebook Ads work?:

In short, people do not use Facebook or any social media to make purchases. The idea starts with ads, people scroll through their feed and they see the ad. Advertising creates an idea in their mind to explore or buy.

Read: 10 Advantages of Facebook Marketing For Your Business

Create an Ad account

The first step you need to do is to create an advertising account on FB. A business account on Facebook lets you handle all the information like payment, campaign, ads and insights.

Be Receptive

To create effective advertising on Facebook, you need to be receptive to what customers want and are looking for. You can get answers to these questions by making your followers more engaging and nurturing.

If you want to know how to advertise on Facebook, you must know the inclinations of your current and potential customers. It would help if you learned what pulls in your prospects. This kind of analysis will help you create better ads targeting a more relevant audience.

There are some criteria you should know to master how to advertise on Facebook concepts-

  • Average Click-Through Rate on Facebook
  • Average Cost per Click (CPC) on Facebook
  • Average Conversion Rates on Facebook
  • Average Cost per Action on Facebook

Link the Facebook Pixel to Your Website

The Facebook Pixel is a piece of code that is highly customizable as per your needs. You can find out the return on your investment in Facebook ads, and using it will help you maximize the return you get from your investment.

The use of the Facebook pixel for conversion tracking is highly recommended, as it can replace this pixel for all on-site actions and help you build a strong remarketing list.

Linking the pixel to your site will optimize your Facebook campaign tracking, targeting and conversions.

Find Your Ideal Audience

Not all Facebook users know about your business, nor are they interested in your product or offer. To filter users who are interested in your products, you can use different demographic parameters such as geography, gender, interests and behaviour.

These parameters help you find people who are looking for products and services similar to yours. With the help of Facebook, you can easily find your relevant audience and target them effectively.

Facebook information helps you find your ideal customer. You can also find various Facebook ad targeting options.

Another thing that will help you find the right audience is the Relevance Score, which measures the quality of your ad as per the response of your audience. With higher relevance score, your CPC will decrease. Your Facebook ad needs a high relevance score to enjoy maximum benefits.

Your Facebook ad score should be based on visibility, clicks, landing page and engagement metrics.

Choose Ad Format

You can get a variety of ad formats to run. But when choosing your ad format, you need to align your ad creative based on the knowledge level of the audience with your business.

Your ad creative and copy should match your target location. Your prospect should be in the higher positions of your advertising funnel, as this will make it easier for them to engage with and persuade your ad.

You can create 7 types of ads in Facebook Ads-

  1. Single image ads
  2. Single video ads
  3. Carousel ads
  4. Slideshow ads
  5. Canvas ads
  6. Collection
  7. Budget allocation

Budget Allocation

When allocating a budget for ads, retain a budget that will generate revenue.

While brand-building ads are appropriate, sales-enhancing promotions are more important. Additionally, place your best bids (considering your budget) to launch Facebook ads.

An advertiser whose ads have the highest total value will top the charts in the Facebook auction. 3 main factors on which the overall value of Facebook ads depends-

  • Advertiser Bid
  • Ad Quality + Relevance
  • Estimated Action Rates

Design Appealing Ads

When you have a compelling ad, you can achieve your marketing goals quickly. Storytelling is the best way to design an engaging ad.

You must combine a great copy with enticing and exciting visuals. These properties enable you to create high-converting Facebook ads. You can use GIFs, canvases, videos and more to tell a story that is thought-provoking, entertaining or interesting.

You can use the Facebook Creative Hub to create engaging ads. This will help you explore different types of ads in all possible formats so that you can get an idea of ​​the best ads for your advertising campaigns.

You can take inspiration from Facebook’s creative hub.

It can help you draw inspiration from big brands and guide you in managing mockups. You’ll learn about techniques that can get your image ads approved. In addition, you can also explore new ad formats.

Pro Tip: If you don’t have any ideas just track your competitors with Facebook Ads Library.

Testing and Optimization

After you launch your Facebook ads, you should continually test and optimize them for better results. When you have a progress report for your current ads, you can use that data to make some changes that will help you achieve your ultimate marketing goals.

Testing is one of the essential practices to ensure the best results from Facebook advertising campaigns. You should modify your bids, views, copy, audience, etc. to check the combination that provides the best results.

You can use Facebook’s Business Manager UI for A/B testing on your Facebook Business Page that you use for advertising purposes.

In conclusion

Now, as you understand advertising on Facebook, you are ready to win all the contests. If you follow all the steps, you are ready to become the master of Facebook ads to increase ROI.

Have any doubts about Facebook advertising? Share your questions in the comments, and our experts will guide you through running a results-driven Facebook ad campaign.

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