Home Development The Exact Cost of Development an App in India

The Exact Cost of Development an App in India

by Tarun Pal
cost of an app development

Across the world, the cost of app development in India is affordable without compromising on the quality of code structure, efficient resources and timely delivery.

In India, the minimum fee range for a developer in 2024 is between $12 and $50 per hour. Although the hourly rate for junior designers, developers, and QA professionals in the US, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand is $40-$50. Zealand, Spain, Germany and many other tech-centric countries.

This blog covers the Indian app development cost structure to give you a brief idea of how much it costs to develop an app in India.

Keep reading to know the real app development cost rates in India and why Waffle Bytes is the premier mobile app development company to work with in India!

App Development Cost by Project Type

Currently, we have a good understanding of the variability of app development costs depending on several factors. The average cost of developing a mobile app in India ranges from 2.5 lakhs  to 20 lakhs  However, the exact figure depends on the complexity and features of the project.

Based on complexity and features, we can classify app projects into three major ones: simple apps, standard apps, and complex apps. Let’s take a look at the cost and development time of these three categories of apps. From the chart below, you can evaluate which category your proposed app project is likely to fit into.

App CategoriesApproximate Cost (in INR)Development Time
Simple App Projects₹500,000 to ₹2,250,0001-3 Months
Standard App Projects₹3,000,000 to ₹6,750,0004-9 Months
Complex App Projects₹7,500,000 to ₹9,000,000+10+ Months

Within the scope of app development, many factors come into play when determining the time and cost of a project. Elements such as app features, architectural design, project complexity, size, and required skills have a significant impact. Most apps generally fit into the first two cost categories, with only a select few falling into the third.

To get a more accurate estimate, you need to delve deeper into specific project requirements and features, considering all relevant features. At Waffle Bytes, our experts excel in providing accurate cost and time estimates through a careful calculation process.

App Development Cost by Categories

Now, let’s provide approximate figures of development time and cost in various popular app sectors. This will provide you with a general idea of the expected expenses and timelines for different app projects.

Type of AppApproximate Cost (in INR)Development Time
On-Demand Service App₹1,650,000 – ₹6,550,0002-7 months
Marketplace App₹1,500,000 – ₹6,750,0003-10 months
Social Chat App₹1,500,000 – ₹4,500,0002-6 months
eLearning App₹1,125,000 – ₹6,000,0002-8 months
Fintech App₹1,500,000 – ₹4,125,0002-6 months
Healthtech App₹1,500,000 – ₹4,500,0002-6 months
Food Aggregator App₹1,050,000 – ₹3,000,0001-4 months
Enterprise App₹2,250,000 – ₹6,000,0003-8 months
Mobile Games₹900,000 – ₹5,250,0002-14 months
Mobile Commerce App₹1,125,000 – ₹5,625,0001-7 months
Media Streaming App₹1,125,000 – ₹4,500,0001-6 months
Cab Booking App₹1,125,000 – ₹4,125,0002-6 months
NFT App₹1,500,000 – ₹5,250,0002-7 months
Fleet Management App₹1,125,000 – ₹4,125,0001-5 months
EV Charge App₹1,125,000 – ₹3,375,0002-4 months
Mental Health Wellbeing App₹1,500,000 – ₹4,125,0001-5 months
Tourism Apps₹900,000 – ₹4,500,0002-6 months
Logistic App₹750,000 – ₹6,000,0002-6 months

Significant variability of app development cost in India

Before getting into the specifics of development costs, it is important to understand the significant variability in cost figures. The cost of app development can vary greatly in different regions and depends on many factors. Even in terms of app development cost in India, these variable factors play an important role. Factors such as the complexity of the app, the chosen platform and app type, feature set, as well as preferred technologies and tools, all contribute significantly to determining the cost of app development.

As mentioned earlier, India is a highly sought-after outsourcing destination to reduce app development costs both domestically and internationally. Over the past few years, India has strengthened its position as the destination offering the most competitive growth projections, often more cost-effective than its Western and global counterparts. The thriving IT market, globally recognized talent pool and highly competitive small business market have combined to make India an extremely attractive location for outsourcing.

Furthermore, it is important to make informed decisions about app monetization to cover the app development costs. Free apps represent 92% of all apps in the App Store. While free apps are currently the most successful, offering a premium version with exclusive features can be an effective strategy for recovering development costs. Most free apps rely on in-app advertisements for monetization.

In the following sections, we’ll clarify the primary factors affecting app development costs, explore additional cost factors beyond core development, and provide guidance for maintaining control over app development expenses.

7 Key Factors Affecting App Development Cost in India

Calculating app development cost mainly depends on variable factors. Without comprehensive consideration of these variables, you cannot establish an accurate project budget. To gain a comprehensive understanding of app development cost in India, it is advisable to thoroughly examine these variable factors. Below, we highlight the major cost factors for app development.

Factor 1 – App type and target platform

The selection of app type and platforms you want to target will have a significant impact on development costs. Developing a single app that runs on multiple mobile platforms and the web may lead to the selection of a hybrid app. While hybrid apps can reduce development costs to a great extent, they may involve compromises in user experience.

On the other hand, creating separate native apps for iOS and Android is more expensive. However, the platform-specific approach to native development results in a better user experience. For a mid-tier solution, you can opt for cross-platform development using technologies like React Native or Flutter, which allow code reuse between iOS and Android while maintaining a more native look and feel. Is.

Factor 2 – Offline Entry

Modern apps are adopting offline accessibility to overtake traditional internet-dependent apps. Advanced localized caching and cloud computing enable users to access specific features and app content even when an Internet connection is unavailable. This feature may incur some additional costs.

Factor 3 – App Features

App features consume a large portion of development hours in any project. While the number of features directly affects development costs, even some complex and advanced features can have a significant impact on expenses. In the step-by-step process of app building, feature development occupies a central place. You can start with essential features to reduce initial development costs and gradually introduce others based on user feedback.

Factor 4 – Number of App Screens

Developing large apps with multiple screens can increase costs significantly. Maintaining fewer screens can help control costs. For initial releases, create only the screens needed for the app’s basic functionality and consider adding additional screens through subsequent updates.

Factor 5 – App Architecture and Backend

In projects involving substantial data and significant data security measures, the development of a complex backend and app architecture can incur significant costs. Building a custom backend may be more expensive, but it provides greater control over backend operations and security. If security considerations are less important, more cost-effective backend as a service (BaaS) solutions with pre-built architectures are also available.

Factor 6 – Third-Party API

Many apps rely on third-party APIs to extend functionality with value-added features like social logins, payment gateways, chatbots, and AI algorithms. Integration of these third-party APIs may increase development costs.

Factor 7 – UI Design, Graphics and Animation

Finally, the costs of UI design, graphics, animation, and interactive elements can be substantial. The use of advanced gestures, interactive features, complex UI elements, and sophisticated graphics increases development costs. UI design complexity can require anywhere from 100 to 500 hours of time from the design and development team.

In conclusion

Finally this is the cost of development of different apps in india, and it also differs more and more if the requirements. But if you are looking for an app development service you can contact us. We have buildied 50+ apps for different industries.

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