Home Digital Marketing How to Use Pinterest for E-commerce in 2023

How to Use Pinterest for E-commerce in 2023

by Nisha Garg
pinterest for ecommerce marketing

Pinterest is one of the least popular and underused social media platforms for brand marketing. Pinterest is a social media platform and visual search engine that allows users to discover, save, and share ideas, images, and videos in Pins. Users can create boards to organize their pins, follow other users to see their content, and interact with others by liking, commenting, and re-pinning their content. It is primarily used for inspiration, ideas, and DIY projects, and it’s popular for categories such as fashion, home decor, cooking, and travel.

Why use Pinterest for your E-commerce?

By leveraging the unique features of Pinterest, e-commerce businesses can reach new customers, increase brand awareness, and drive sales. Pinterest can benefit e-commerce businesses in several ways, including:

  • Increased Visibility: With around 450 million active monthly users, Pinterest can provide a large and engaged audience for e-commerce businesses. Pinterest allows e-commerce businesses to build their brand and increase awareness by creating a visually appealing presence and sharing their products and services with a large audience.
  • Targeted Marketing: The platform’s powerful search engine and targeting options make it easy to reach potential customers who are actively searching for products and services related to your business.
  • Inspiration and Decision-Making: Pinterest is a popular platform for users looking for inspiration and ideas, and for many, it is the first place they turn when making purchasing decisions. By having a strong presence on the platform, e-commerce businesses can be at the forefront of their customers’ minds.
  • Driving Traffic: Pinterest can drive significant traffic to your website, which can lead to increased sales and conversions.
  • Customer Insights: The platform’s analytics tools can provide valuable insights into the behavior and interests of your target audience, allowing e-commerce businesses to make informed decisions about their marketing strategy.

Identify your audience

Pinterest is a platform with the majority of the female audience. It has around 80% female, 15% male audience, and 5% others. To identify your audience for promoting a business on Pinterest, you can consider the following steps to identify your target audience on Pinterest and tailor your marketing strategy to reach and engage with them effectively:

1. Define your target market: Consider factors such as age, location, interests, and lifestyle to determine who your ideal customer is.

2. Analyze your existing audience: Use Pinterest Analytics to see who is already engaging with your content, such as pinning, commenting, and re-pinning.

3. Research your competition: Check out the profiles and boards of businesses similar to yours to see who they are targeting and engaging with.

4. Use keywords and hashtags: Search for keywords and hashtags related to your business and see who is using them. This will give you an idea of the type of people interested in your products or services.

5. Create boards and pins that appeal to your target audience: Use images and text that will resonate with your target market to attract and engage with them.

Set up a Pinterest business account.

As an e-commerce brand, you can set up a free business account on Pinterest. It has certain benefits over a general account. Pinterest provides business account users access to advanced analytics, tools, and features. Follow these steps to set up a Pinterest business account and verify your business url:

  1. Navigate to Pinterest’s website and click the “Sign up” button in the upper right corner.
  2. Select “Create a business account,” then provide your company name, email address, and password.
  3. Provide your company’s details, such as its website URL, location, and a brief description.
  4. Select whether you want to create a personal or business account.
  5. Click on the link emailed to the email address you gave to verify your email address.
  6. After your account has been authenticated, you may begin creating boards, pinning content, and configuring your account settings.
  7. Complete your profile by uploading a profile photo and header image to utilize all the features of Pinterest’s business account. Make sure these images represent your brand.
  8. Once your account is created, start creating pins and boards, then promote your content and interact with other Pinterest users to generate traffic to your website and expand your business.
  9. Go to your account settings and click “Claim” next to your website. Enter your website URL and click “Claim website.”
  10. Pinterest will provide you with an HTML code to add to your website’s code. Once you have added the code, click “Verify” in your account settings. Pinterest will then verify that the code has been added to your website.

Creating a Strong Profile & optimize it

To reach a wider audience, it is a must that you optimize your profile on Pinterest. You should also add your social media accounts to your Pinterest profile because it helps in cross-promotion, increasing engagement, and building your brand. Consider the following tips:

  • After adding the Profile Picture, don’t forget to add the description. Write a clear, concise description that tells people about your profile.
  • Use relevant keywords in your profile description and board titles to help people discover your content.
  • Organize your boards into themes that make sense for your business and keep them updated with fresh, relevant content.
  • Write compelling descriptions for each of your pins, including relevant keywords and hashtags to help people find your content.
  • Pin a mix of your content and content from others to keep your boards fresh and engaging.
  • Collaborate with other Pinterest users in your niche by re-pinning their content and creating joint boards.
  • Consider using promoted pins to reach a wider audience and drive more traffic to your website.
  • Create a content calendar separately for Pinterest. It helps you maintain consistency.

Use Pinterest’s analytics tools to track your performance and make data-driven decisions about your content and strategy.

Best practices to create pins for Pinterest

Pins are the secret to Pinterest’s success. An effective Pinterest Pin requires a mix of factors, including image quality, description, and design. The following are some excellent practices to follow to build aesthetically beautiful, useful, and performance-optimized Pinterest Pins:

  • Use high-quality images: Pinterest is a visual medium, and image quality is critical. Use high-resolution, well-lit, aesthetically appealing photographs related to your marketing information.
  • Use vertical pictures: Vertical graphics take up more screen area and are more eye-catching than horizontal images.
  • Include text overlays on photos better to express the substance and meaning of your Pin. Maintain basic, readable typography that is aligned with your branding.
  • Choose an eye-catching design: To make your Pin stand out, use contrasting colors, illustrations, and a tidy layout. A well-designed Pin is more likely to be re-pinned, resulting in increased traffic to your website.


Pinterest is a visual search engine that helps e-commerce brands promote their products through aesthetically designed pins. It is a great platform to increase brand visibility and awareness. You can create a free business account on Pinterest and access your profile’s analytics. Using that analysis, you can make different strategies on Pinterest and make the most of it.

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