Home Tips 8 eCommerce Industry Trends in 2023

8 eCommerce Industry Trends in 2023

by Waffle Bytes
ecommerce trends

The e-commerce industry has been booming globally in the last few years and growing from strength to strength. 4.53 trillion dollars of worldwide revenues for e-commerce trends in 2021. is no mean feat, and even the e-commerce future trends project growth of more than 6 trillion dollars in the next few years. The coronavirus pandemic, or Covid-19, has no doubt put a snag in its way but not to worry, as it will be one of the first industries to bounce back.

The revenue figures are a testimony to the trends in the e-commerce industry. It is imperative for companies to monitor and analyze these eCommerce trends if they want to implement schemes that will take their organization forward.

It is a proven fact that a good user experience will result in better sales figures and, ultimately, more significant profit margins. E-commerce companies need to offer value and the best possible experience to their users so that they get hooked to the portal. Here are some of the eCommerce trends that must watch for the future growth and prosperity of an e-commerce entity.

The e-commerce industry after the pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has brakes on almost all the world’s industries. Its power has been felt on a global scale, but the fact remains that e-commerce industries have started bouncing back as the year moves on.

The pandemic has changed the buying behavior of most consumers, and now even the traditional individuals who were not interested in online buying. They have considered this option the best way to fulfill their shopping desires.

Most countries have taken the help of lockdowns to curb the disease. During this period, consumers have realized the importance of online buying. Most of the brick-and-mortar outlets are closed, and even in places where they are open, people are not willing to risk exposure by stepping out for a buying spree.

This is the reason why conversation rates have increased to outstanding figures all over the world. That is the right time to garner revenue through your e-commerce site.

1. AI or Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence is the new tool in the town to boost gains from sales figures. It is hailed as the best of the latest eCommerce trends and is considered a blessing in disguise for e-commerce portals.

Integrating AI tools into the system will help the portals identify and segment patterns based on their customer’s browsing history. This will lead to store personalization and automated marketing.

Artificial Intelligence will be programmed to help the shopping portals know about their customers in great detail. Connect customer data with real-time insights, automate tasks, optimize demand, discount, and pricing forecasts, and offer a personalized experience to those who so desire. Overall, Artificial Intelligence is essential as it will help to make smarter choices.

2. Automated Marketing

If you are looking for the latest ecommerce trends, look no further than the concept of marketing automation. It includes easy-to-access shopping carts and personalized landing pages to hook the customers to its portal.

The automated marketing process has become a favorite of e-commerce owners as it helps the site customize its store offerings to suit its customers’ needs and requirements.

When a customer visits the website and clicks on specific products or services directly impacts automated recommendations. Through the automatic marketing process, the e-commerce portals display products and services on their site based on the visitor’s shopping history, send tailored emails to suit their preference, and retarget them for repeat product sales in the future.

3. Advertising

Ecommerce trends in 2022 show a significant tilt towards programmatic advertising to lure in the right target audience at the right moment to the right ad. The sophisticated and highly efficient programmatic advertising ecosystem is an automated bidding system that has proved helpful for e-commerce industries in knowing about the ad impression within milliseconds.

It uses a database to identify the target audience based on consumption. Contextual advertising refers to context advertisements that blend with the content to boost its desirability.

Programmatic and contextual advertising increase the chances of e-commerce owners reaching out to a larger target audience. The consumers are later retargeted to generate further ROI.

The social media portals are hell-bent on catering to programmatic and contextual ad trends to hook consumers to its site.

4. Better Shipping

The one area where most e-commerce stores flounder is during shipping and logistics.

Ecommerce trends 2022 emphasizes enhanced shipping options so the portals can hook more customers to its site and garner better sales figures. Same-day and free delivery are, no doubt, a hit amongst consumers.

Amazon, the e-commerce giant of Jeff Bezos, has started the concept of drone deliveries in the United States of America to test its suitability. With help from Google Maps Integration, the drones discover the shortest route and deliver the product to the destination impeccably.

E-commerce future trends predict that delivery drones will become a reality very soon as the technology is gaining momentum day by day. E-commerce owners are ready to integrate new and advanced technology within their systems to make them more proficient.

5. Voice Search

Google has introduced a new set of guidelines so that e-commerce portals can optimize their content with the help of voice search. It has put the onus on textual content and voice-enabled buttons that will boost the rate of conversions through intelligent speakers.

To help users place orders through intelligent speakers and gain leverage over their competitors, several high-profile e-commerce brands like NorthFace and Amazon have created their voice assistant apps. As per the future ecommerce trends, by the year 2025, there will be a surge in the usage of smart speakers. Individuals will rely on them to do their work, even buying products at online portals.

Voice assistants will save time the consumer will have to spend otherwise browsing. It can help get shipping information and follow it through until the product is delivered to the door.

Voice assistants can also enter payments, repeat orders, and cancel them if desired. The eCommerce trends show great potential in gaining high ground over physical stores.

6. Mobile Transactions

Individuals find mobile devices to be handier than their laptops or computers. The latest ecommerce trends point to the fact that the portals should make their sites mobile-friendly.

It has been proven that mobile transactions are on the rise year after year. If you do not have a mobile-responsive site, then you are going to lose big time to other shopping portals that have these facilities. As per published reports, an estimated 73% of online sales will start through mobile devices by the end of 2022.

Shopping via a mobile connection is much easier than a desktop. The use of progressive web apps or PWAs will encourage mobile users to work quickly and effectively.

7. AR Kit

Technology is reigning supreme, and the e-commerce sites that have integrated the latest tools like AR kits are the ones that are making waves in the industry.

Smart devices with VR/AR-enabled services are changing ecommerce trends. AR has proved itself as a game-changer for online shoppers as it helps customers visualize the products and services they are interested in. Making a choice is simple and easy. For instance, you want to paint your home and are looking at various color combinations.

The AR technology will prove a blessing and help you visualize how the colors will look on the walls. Consumers can browse anytime before hitting the button “Buy Now.” It is as if the consumer can see the product first-hand before making a viable decision.

The furniture brand Burrow also uses AR technology to help interested customers visualize how the couch will fit in the desired room.

The e-commerce giant IKEA has integrated a new app on its website that will allow its users to use the mobile camera to visualize the furniture displayed in their homes.

Google has initiated the use of AR Core through its Android smartphones, and Apple has launched its new AR kit for iOS 11, its new operating system.

8. Photo Apps

One of the most popular ecommerce trends in 2023 is the use of photo apps for online shopping.

Currently, few photo apps are available in the market, for instance, CamFinder, which helps sell and buy related products via photoshopping. Ecommerce trends and prospects suggest the emergence of image shopping trends. This is why several e-commerce sites are hell-bent on launching their photo apps for snap and shop.

Pinterest has entered into a partnership with several e-commerce sites as well as search engines so that they can avail of the services of its photo camera. This app recognizes, identifies, and interprets images to accurately describe the product to the sites that use this information to sell products to interested customers.

In Conclusion

All these trends will help your ecommerce store become valuable to your customers. Customer satisfaction is the key to success in any business you do, stay up to date with the latest trends with Waffle Bytes team.

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